Hello, blog

First post, time to get some things out of the way. Who am I and why am I claiming myself a slice of the blogosphere? Good question.

I’m a new librarian and want to document my thoughts and experiences getting to know library & information work; its people, institutions, norms and challenges while looking for a job in a recession. My approach is critical, coming from the perspective that staying viable, both as individual infopros and institutions, depends on our abilities to seriously reconsider, adapt and/or abandon previous approaches while maintaining and making known our core values and services to society.

So there you have it. Next step is recruiting readers!

I am currently writing a paper on strategic planning of e-book adoption in law libraries and plan to post it here soon, as well as some thoughts on the incredible value of genuineness and my experience at the American Library Association meeting in New Orleans (these are related, you’ll see). Stay tuned!